Doradztwo w zakresie budowania stacji telewizyjnych i radiowych
Kompletne platformy typu CMS, MAM, playout zarówno dla nadawców , organizacji rządowych i uczelni wyższych
Dostawy sprzętu do kontrybucji audio i video
Leader-DTS Tech Day
Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych pomiarami sygnałów telewizyjnych w technologii IP na Leader-DTS Tech Day. Leader to znany japoński producent sprzętu pomiarowego dla produkcji TV. Urządzenia Leader wykorzystywane są powszechnie na różnych etapach procesu produkcji materiałów do emisji TV i streamingu. Naszym gościem będzie Kevin Salvidge, znany świetnie w branży specjalista od problematyki pomiarowej i nowych […]
How To Choose a Monitoring System for Your Operation
Did you know that poor quality is the #1 most important factor for viewers to stop watching a video? As a content provider or broadcaster, you likely already realize that delivering high-quality video content and reducing errors is crucial for your success. That’s why monitoring systems play such a key role in quickly identifying and […]
BRIC-Link III – coming soon from Comrex!
Perfect for home studios, stadiums, and studio-to-transmitter links. Now with a new, more powerful processor for improved performance and an enhanced front panel for easy contact closure firing and auto-connects. BRIC-Link III – coming soon from Comrex! To learn more about our newest IP audio codec, visit our website:
Meet NOVELSAT at IBC 2022 September 9-12, 2022, Booth 1.C18
Meet us at IBC 2022, booth 1.C18 September 9-12, 2022 | RAI Amsterdam SET A MEETING Experience the Next Deliver greater and better experiences Take experiences anywhere, to any device, at any time Boost video experiences on any screen Unlock immense business opportunities Transform Your Network Empower media delivery on any network Redefine content connectivity economics […]
AETA ScoopFone Goes 5G
Audio and IP codec specialists AETA Audio Systems is excited to announce that it has added 5G capability to its ScoopFone audio codec. The company continues to take the lead in innovation by offering a simple and safe user experience. This latest advance is designed to simplify the job of broadcasters both in the studio […]
Introducing the MediaLight Pro2
The MediaLight Pro2 Bias Lighting System was created for directors, editors and colorists who need the highest CRI and the most uniform spectral power distribution in a bias light for their professional displays. The MediaLight Pro2 is available in 1-6m lengths. Click here to learn which length is best for your monitor. The Pro2 uses a new class of ColorGrade™ MPro2 […]
„Best New Product or Service, Engineering”
We are very proud to have won an other prizefor our AtomOne mini Zoom. This time it is coming from the Broadcast Production Awards: „Best New Product or Service, Engineering” Our first camera with an integrated MOTORIZED IRIS FOCUS ZOOM LENS 120° – 40° F/1,5-2,8
And the winner is… EnGo 265
Since launching in December 2021, our new EnGo 265 mobile transmitter has received glowing reviews. We’re proud to share that this product has been recognized with not just one, but TWO different industry awards! 🏆🎉 Learn more about our award-winning EnGo 265 transmitter:
KVM HDMI over IP PoE Extender, UHD-4K
Supports HDMI up to 4K @ 30Hz (4:4:4) and 4K @ 60Hz (4:2:0). Receiver side includes a 4-port USB hub, for KVM applications. Management of multi-server systems supporting HDMI displays. Data centersNetwork operations centersGovernment / transportation control roomsEducational institutions Features You’ll Love • Supports HDMI up to 4K @ 30Hz (4:4:4) and 4K @ 60Hz (4:2:0)• […]